Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Talk Time Tuesday

Do you like hearing music when you click on a website or blog.  This little experiment might take some of you by surprise.  I enjoy some of the music I hear out there but don't know how many find it annoying.  Give me your opinion.  Keep or Loose the Playlist. If your vote is KEEP then make a song recommendation-I am open to suggestions(and my memory is just no good-so you can remind me of a past favorite)


Rachel said...

Music on websites/blogs really bugs me. If I can't easily and quickly find out to quiet it, I just close the window and don't visit there..

zgoof said...

I don't like the music. Sometimes takes to long to find out how to turn it off.

Yolanda said...

I like the music if it's not too loud and obnoxius. To be safe though, I'd stick to no music. Too many differing tastes.