Tuesday, September 21, 2010

Talk Time Tuesday: Home Remodeling

So my question today is When does it end?????  It seems like as soon as we make one repair or improvement its time for another!!!  Some, I admit, we start by choice like my daughters all switching rooms and of course wanting to re-decorate to suit their style.  Some projects we are forced into-Like the roof leak I developed this past spring that has finally been fixed but has left sheet rock that needs replacing.  Then there's is everyone's least favorite the home maintenance stuff that is always VERY expensive but we know we have to do to avoid other even more costly Repairs.  I am extremely grateful that in these tough times we have managed to hang onto our Home---like the old saying goes it may not be much but at least it's mine--so I am not complaining too loudly it just would be nice to feel like there is an end to all of the little projects that take up so much TIME.  If you have a Home Remodeling Story you would like to share then leave a comment on this post: Good, Bad or Ugly I'm sure its something we can ALL relate to.  I will choose a Random person from among the comments to receive  a Set of Cricut Markers: Sophisticated Color Combo.  Winner will be posted next week on Talk Time Tuesday.


zgoof said...

I have rented most of my life so sadly I don't have much experience other than I don't know have even a little clue on how to do most repairs and I don't have a husband that does either. Unfortunately if it does come down to repairs my answer to that is. . . "Get on the phone or who do we know?" Good thing you have a hubby that is good at building things...

Angie {Founding Chef Consultant} said...

Hate the process. I am always the one who ends up doing the clean-up after the project is completed. But I am usually pleased with the outcome.

Anne said...

I must have 10 projects that are started and they never get finished. After 28 years, I finally realized that I need to pay someone to do the job just so it gets finished. It's so worth the expence.

Glora said...

My parents are getting their bathroom redone. What was supposed to take 5 days has now taken over 4 weeks. At least the guy stuck to his quoted price. But we hope it will be finished soon.

Kristina MacKeen said...

We've were fortunate to find a newly constructed house when we moved last time. The only major home improvement/remodel we have had to do is to finish our basement. While we were waiting for our drywall to be delivered, my husband tore his bicep muscle. So we had all this 12' drywall in our garage that had to be cut and carried to the basement to be put up. Needless to say, this became a long drawn out process!